That One Gun.....

I like my Prod and it has given me no trouble. It was my first PCP. I turned up the power a little - to about 18 fpe - and it is a reliable short range squirrel killer. But I have 3 P35s and I have been shooting them a lot more. If I had to pick one it would be my P35-22. The P35-25 has killed the most squirrels but at the 30 yard challenge it shoots significantly worse than the 177 and 22. Like a 150 versus a 190+. I shot my second 199 with the P35-22 yesterday (18X). It has only killed 5 squirrels but dropped them all regardless of body shot or head shot. But the 25 is accurate enough but I have a new barrel on order for it. The little 177 has also taken 5 squirrels and did fine but a couple still had a bit of life left in them after a solid hit to the vitals. They didn't get away. It also gives me about 100 shots per fill. I have no desire to get rid of any of them. This year I made all the P35s a new stock so they fit me great now. The Prod also has a new butt plate and grips but the wood for the forestock is still drying. That stock is not to make it fit but to use pieces from the stump of my killing tree - a oak I took a lot of squirrels out of that fell down last year. Anyway, the P35-22 is more accurate than I am and has plenty of power to deal with small game. I killed a raccoon with it last week. It is my favorite.

P35 cherry stock.jpg
Mine is a bsa buccaneer in .177, nothing special about it. But when I have to grab a pcp that I know will hit where I need it to first shot that's the one. I have bigger guns, more expensive guns, lots of modded guns....but in 5 years it has never once let me down. Has a simple hawke scope on it and a tin of aa 10grn pellets with it always. It's the older unmoderated one so it isn't quiet but I don't need it quiet in the country. I'm sure the higher end guns will out shoot it, but I can hit asprin tablets at 30yrds any time.
I have a question for you guys and girls.

What is that "One" gun you own, or have owned that Never disappoints?

I am talking about the gun that you could leave on a shelf, untouched for an unlimited time frame, grab it, throw a mag in it and know for 100% certainty it will hit Exactly where you are aiming.

I have owned no less than 30 different guns over the years, had a few that were very good but Never that One. there was always some little quirk, had to fire a couple shots, had to fire 1 shot, etc...

I do have that gun now after many years and I will hold off until i see what all gets posted up in this thread... Again i have, and still own a bunch of very high end guns , but there is only One i can Honestly say it is that "One" gun in my collection..

I am curious to see what pattern develops here..
So I ask Please be honest
My two RAW TM1000’s in .177 as tuned by Motorhead.
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I think unregulated guns / stand a better chance here as well, as regulated guns are prone to reg creep naturally. A swing in temperature from 75 to 90 degree will cause a 2.5% change in pressure which can effect the first and in some cases with large plenums, second hammer strike before the guns settled so to speak. Tuning close to your peak fps helps reduce this, but regardless unregulated guns in most cases are just not prone to this same behavior.

It’s because of this that I can’t post what I’d like to as an answer, but I have some unregulated Benjamin airguns that seem to fit the bill within a reasonable storage timeframe. With PCPs at some point I expect the o-rings to fail which negates the idea of leaving them stowed indefinitely and still expecting to be able to use them straight out of storage. I’d say my .357 Bulldog and Marauder pistol/carbine shooting within the range of their capabilities. Considering the indefinite storage criteria, I’d think that a good springer trumps all other types of airguns.