Texan LSS CF .510 Left Cocked (5 days), Is it Okay?

I have read that people say a chrony would be needed to know, or that their particular models had no ill effects, but I am wondering if anyone has any insight into what leaving a Texan LSS CF .510 cocked for 5 days means in terms of this particular model's (texan) performance and long term durability.

Any thoughts or help would be much appreciated!

It's fine. I wouldn't make a habit of it but springs lose thier power more from opening and closing than staying compressed. I know this because before the ammo shortage I had clips I kept loaded for years only checking functionality every 18 months or so and they lasted way longer than my range clips that I never left loaded but used very frequently. This agrees with my research into the subject as well. However it's not really recommended and if done all the time it will eventually weaken the spring. It's mostly just a safety issue and if for some reason you do have a problem down the line airforce has the best warranty ever. I call Leah whenever something breaks and she sends me the part no questions asked. If you can't fix it on your own you can pay shipping costs and they fix it for free. I doubt highly it will be a problem for you. You have great taste in big bores. I have the 457 CF myself Good luck to you.