Tequila PCP Airgun

Hello everyone,

Finally I can shoot the Tequila Gun, I can get 19 energy pounds, using a 7 inches barrel and regulated to 1,700 psi. It is very noisy but the folding suppressor doing the job and quite it a lot.

Unfortunately the gun has a leak in the pellet probe. But fortunately I redesigned it and I have the concept ready to be fabricated.

The attached pictures show the issue.

The leak is because the 5.5 oring is no sealing the barrel, but I redesigned it adding a bigger and harder seal. Tomorrow I hope start do them.


Cool to hear.

The suppressor is pretty industrial looking, not in a bad way, just sorta...after the last war (WW III) apocalyptic look.


Some of my engineering background is in industrial machinery design, is probably that for this reason I added industrial characteristics to it. Also the suppressor is inspired in the “SilencerCo Osprey 45”.