Suggestions to make my gun not look like a toy......paint? Wrap? Glue randomly?

Not to get in to much into the artsy fartsy concept but this is actually pretty cool this guy took a cheap airsoft shot gun and made it more weathered for a movie prop gun obviously this is not what I’m going for I was really thinking if I can’t put a new stock on it (stock doesn’t fit the synthetic had to be modified and they want $200 for the wood stock for a 250-300$ for a new Pup ) 

I do like the John Wayne 1911 distressed look but I don’t want to literally rub my rifle on concreate or drag to behind my truck for 10 mins And go OFFF ROADING to get this look JUST some cool designed I found looking for the John Wayne 1911 picture I thought I’d share the trash all is pretty nice lol I don’t get the Coca-Cola can and the ID tag tho maybe a deflector for the rounds? But the rounds exit further down IDK. Just thought I’d share but the 1911 is pretty cool I’d like that done somehow but like I said (Lieutenant COLOMBO) I don’t paint and don’t want to get into a money pit 

BY THE WAY-has any one been having Shipping issues with PYRAMYD AIR lately on ANY orders?
Here’s a off topic lil funny story for you,

that would be cool I wish I could get a real 30 round steel clip here in Commiefornia “10” and under 

My Brother was a contractor on a Military Base Along time-ago that did Constructions in the Housing sections mostly bathroom and kitchen /flooring and entire Fence rebuilds one day while tossing out a bucked of trash he found a 60 round M4 or M16 We still

dont know as it wasn’t stamped just a serial number And stamped US ARMY which was ODD SINCE FOUND IT AND WAS working on a AIR-FORCE military at the time .maybe for training purposes Or an old stock ? I think he found out what type ammo it takes now .since he has a lot of rifles and experience Now but this was around 9- 10 years ago at the time , we were Barely getting into guns and still renting at the range and he had one a 80 year old MOSIN NAGAENT ,anyway We didn’t know a lot about rifles and firearms and ammunition at the time .the 60 round clip in the trash when tossing out drywall he though it was cool looking as he’s into movies and use to dresses up and makes his own props, for his friend that had made a couple low budget b movies and wanted to use it one day for something . It seemed just a cool prop find he was thinking and tossed it on his work truck dash board this was years ago before every one went gun crazy in California and the USA ENTIRELY.

BUT ANYWAY ONE DAY. We were at the range shooting and the guy next to us we were chatting to was talking about all the laws and new laws and 10 rounds and over and just the clips alone can get you time in jail if you get caught with them ,me and my brother looked at each other like oh man he (my brother) was always cool with the gate guards and when your a regular on the Military bases they give you a sticker and you put it on the inside of your driver side window and your also suppose to show IDENTIFICATION ARD AND OR DRIVER LICENSE ,my Brother often just got waved in alway the same guys on Duty “mostly “ the all worked on the Military Base every day ,same time .Once in a great while there’s be a “CHANGING OF THE GUARD “ if they Didn’t know you your face and or car they had to Do there job and basically Hassle you and other people but if they don’t Criminals and Terrorists could get In so I respect it,

Sometimes ask to search you car look under it for bombs / dogs come In smell for weapons explosives drugs anything like that so 

like always he didn’t clean his truck cuz it was a work truck papers everywhere tools greased up rags paint every where junk in the back for the job ect basically room for him to drive it was stocked with work supplies I’d he drove someone he’d have to drop stuff off to make room for a passenger that’s how it was a working mans truck you guys know how it is , so one day new guard didn’t know him asked him to pull to the side so he could “ask him some questions “ and he asked to search his truck he replied yes forgetting about the 60 round clip that he was “technically could have been charged for a civilian in possession of a illegal weapons part” idk what that charge would be maybe smuggling something in base that he found on base and never took out of his truck they guy literally searched his truck while my brother didn’t sweat didn’ even realize what was in there still hinwas on the dashboard covered under papers bills. Order forms old stuff i think the reason it didn’t stand is on his dash there’s a little tray on the driver side and all the papers covering it probably made it look flat like it was a flat dashboard anyway the MP GUARD out of his truck after 15min he said and “so what is this here “ like the guard thought he had found something had And pulled outa coffee can of white powder lol 

my brother goes oh that’s (Spill chill ) Or similar to that called 

the MP thought he had found cocaine or some sort of drug as my brother had a entire case of monster energy drinks in his truck and next to it was an old solid van with dick tape around the lid and inside was slme

random white powdery substance 

so my My brother try’s to explain what it is , what it’s used for theMP doesn’t believe him and my brother goes you can can test it but watch this andMy brother was sitting on the back of his truck and pulls out motor oil and and fills a cap half full of oil and takes a pinch of the white powder and drops it in the oil and it immediately sucks up and turns in to a clump and he dumps it out in his hand says see it’s sucks up oil sludge all kinds of crap and you can sweep it up bag it and get rid of it easier the MP WAS SO AMAZED of the powder my brother said I have a 2 lb bag at home you can have this and the MP GUARD WAS SO EXCITED HE GOT SOME STUFF TO CLEAN UP OIL SPILLS MY BROTHER SAID HIS ADDITUDE CHANGED IMMEDIATELY HE SAID HE SAID HE WAS SORRY HE HAD TO PULL HIM TO THE SAID BUT HE WAS JUST DOING HIS JOB and that was it . Hahaha 

my brother continued to carry that 60!round clip in his truck untill we talked to the guy at the range that day he took it out right when we got home it was on his bass guitar for a while I’ll have to find some pictures it actually looked cool but he could have got not just jail time but federal jail time for being on the base with that .. Commiefornia I tell ya the real firearm laws here are getting stricter and stricter every year soon I’ll move to a state that allows the 2nd amendment in all its glory. (Peace through supperior firepower is the saying if should have said on On old Glory)

(in my opinion ) we can’t have the 1st Amendment without having the 2nd Amendment.

please note I’m ”not looking for a political battle here we We are all humans or the earth and should all be able to talk without getting violent and vulgar “

(Leave that to the democrats and republicans in OFFICE to claw Themselves to death on C-Span I think it Seems to be happening quickly now anyway ) haha
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Might just be me, but I hate the camo'd up stuffs. Your air rifle looks just fine.

Bahaha good one! Had me laughing. My wife loves watching that guy.


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