Strelok pro on the $

Put the range finder on crow @ 104 yds. D-rig 22.5 vk with a bc of .074 @ 820 mv. Clicked in the elevation and put the crosshair on his head. Off a hair. I really wanted a head shot but oh well. Cricket compact with swfa 10x sf md.

@jwrabbit123, thanks for the love.

@earthsculptor, make the $12 investment for strelok pro. Once you enter all necessary info (pay special attention to scope height) you will be amazed at the info it produce. Along with a range finder it answer all the what if questions. The time will come when you want to extend your range so why not be ready. Even if you have a 12 fpe gun on a calm day and the stars line up with practice you can pop ballons @ 100 yds. Knowledge is power. Go for it man.