Tuning Started winterizing my barrels and liners


Whenever I swap or stop using any of my barrels/liners I always clean them thoroughly first before storing.
I have this my selection (based on different twist rates) collected over several years, each barrel and liner has its own function depend what game I wanna play next.
Today was one of those grey days, what else to do...let me do a quick maintenance on my inventory.
Cleaned the bore with Ballistol (in the garage of course), dry them with couple of clean patches, and re-lubed with soaked PTFE oil.
But I noticed for first time something new to me, a light surface rust even if the material is Stainless. No problem, a light touch with steel wool did the magic, but I would like to put some coating now, these will be sitting at least the next half a year until next year season.
What you friends use? that is indoors (odourless) friendly ;)

Stain-less, not stain-proof. Some SS is more corrosion resistant than others. 416, which is your typical SS for PB barrels, seems to be pretty resistant to rust, based on the condition of the SS barrels I have in my shop (I’m 20 or so miles from the Pacific. Carbon steel rusts QUICK in my shop). 303 SS, while a joy to machine, will rust fairly quickly.

Eezox is good stuff, and it smells delicious! If you really want to protect those barrels, Boeshield will do it, but it does leave a film that would need to be scrubbed off. And don’t dismiss Ballistol for rust prevention. I use it on my splitting axes and haven’t seen a lick of rust on them, and they are bare-ass steel.

Hope this helps,