Squirrels Eat Aluminum

Anyone seen grey squirrels eat aluminum fence ties? These are the least damaged ones at my son's house. 90% of the chain link fence ties in his backyard are chewed completely through and half eaten. He had to shoot more than 50 squirrels to stop the damage. All his neighbors have the same problem.

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rodents teeth are a lot stronger than you might think and they chew on anything and everything. they don't care. they're known to chew on electrical wiring in attics and in cars and such. they probably chew on the actual chain link also. they just don't do the damage to the galvanized steel wire like they do to the softer aluminium fence ties. 

The poor creatures must be suffering from dietary deficiencies.

I agree. Not enough lead in their system.


I bet Heavy-Impact and his son provided adequate Pb supplements.

Most of the squirrels fell to my sons heavily tuned (pun intended) .22 gauntlet. He went from never hunting or shooting to all into it now.
Those twist ties are very soft, even for aluminum, to make them easier to twist around the fencing, and a squirrel's teeth are very tough. As for why they choose them, that's a good question. I have a customer whose AC units have been victimized by squirrels. They have chewed through the low-voltage wiring several times, costing thousands in repairs. The customer initially used traps, and relocated the squirrels a short distance away. I told them the squirrels were probably beating them back to the business, and convinced them a more permanent solution was in order. I was actually thinking they would still use traps, but hey now discretely end the squirrels' reign of terror with a break barrel air rifle. I'm making less money there now, but it's all good!
Funny how this post came about today. I have a buddy who got all over me for shooting critters, trying to guilt me by saying “ what have the squirrels or raccoons ever done to you? They’re just trying to survive just like everything else, including you!” 

After he laid that on me i had the thought of possibly selling off my pcp guns and break barrels....that lasted 2 seconds. 

The squirrels, if I don’t keep their numbers in check, will infest my dog with fleas and tics, not to mention my upset wife when she sees all her patio furniture pillows chewed up and the stuffing removed from them. 
They have chewed through a table on our patio that's made of aluminum sharpening their teeth on the edges. But what finally sealed their fate was they chewed the front off one of my wife's birdhouses and killed all the baby birds inside. Two years ago I bought a new shed for my yard, the Amish built it on my property. The squirrels are now trying to get in by chewing through the back wall. I have absolutely no love for these little monsters.