Squirrel in your attic

I have been reading a lot of posts about tree rats in the attic . THIS WILL WORK 100% and fast .

go on line and buy a small bottle of 100% pure peppermint oil , Not the stuff you buy at the food store in baking sect.. put a FEW drops of oil on cotton balls and distribute around attic . USE rubber gloves . your eyes will be irritated which is just what it does to the Squirrels and they run out fast . Be careful not to use to many or the house will smell so a few will do . 6 or 8 in the avg. attic

A 4 oz bottle will last a few years last several years
As long as you don't mind the pellet hole's . I could hear them chasing each other but when i went up no sign of them, i put a trap outside loaded with peanut butter and one came out the trap lured him in ,then carried the trap to a safe place and shot him "gangland style " then the other came out sat still for me , how nice .

I have told many city dwellers this remedy and it really gets great results and they do not come back . and if you install in the early fall , no problems all year.