Sportsmatch vs FX adjustable rings


Yep what you say is true, just because you can elevate it for 200 yd doesn’t guarantee you’ll hit it at 200. 

Actually I’ve not shot beyond, think 135 yd

I’m more concerned about racking the elevator into the no-go-zone. Bad for the elevator and decreases quality of view from optics. Would rather keep close to optical center. My Athlon just went in under warranty and I have a sneaking suspicion it was because it was already cranked for even 30-60 yd. and shooting at 100 was really pushing it. A brand new one was at my front door day before yesterday😁😁

So just one more question:

Who carries the Sportsmatch ATP72 besides AOA? They have it for $101.00. Wanted to shop around. 

Maybe I’ll get an FX No limit for my Cricket. 

Thanks for all the input.