Sparrow issues made difficult by gramma!

You should have told her that you were eating them. That times were tough and you were just trying to put some meat on the table. That likely would have been the last time she scolded you about shooting anything, and you might have gotten invited to a free dinner a time or two each week.
I’ve got sparrow problems, and it’s only because of a 80 year old gramma that freaking loves all birds.
Long story short I have put up swallow nesting boxes and successfully defended them from all comers, starlings and sparrows.
You can see the male sparrow on the wire near the pole.
They have displaced two families of swallows so far, and there’s only six boxes.
For three years I’ve made it possible for the swallows to gain a foot hold here.
Then the dilemma… the landlord’s parents have moved in next door.
And the mom doesn’t understand that invasive species are decimating the song bird population.
I shot a starling and she went ballistic… have you ever been the target of a stream of F-bombs coming from gramma?
At one point she briskly walked up to me like she was going to slap me lol.
I asked her if she was going to hit me and she said “ someone should “
I have full permission to do what I want here as far as pesting, the landlord loves shooting and so I’m pretty safe.
The mom has dementia and is driving everyone nuts, including family.
So I’m being extremely careful about sniping the sparrows to not disturb her if possible.
So a few minutes ago I saw her go into the house and I quickly and quietly RedWolfed the female of a pair of sparrows!
And got it into the dumpster without being discovered.
Successful pesting is so satisfying!View attachment 271532
I have had to deal with a few people like her , not fun at all
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You should have told her that you were eating them. That times were tough and you were just trying to put some meat on the table. That likely would have been the last time she scolded you about shooting anything, and you might have gotten invited to a free dinner a time or two each week.
its so true with food prices i told my wife might be time to start eating the pest birds lol :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: