Snowshoe Hare with my Vectis

Last year I met up with a forum member (Jonathan H) that lives three hours north of me in Wisconsin (I'm in MN). I was looking for locations where there was a good population of black color phase gray or Fox squirrels, and Jonathan sent me a PM to say he had a couple places to show me. So I drove up, shot some black squirrels, and since that time we've hunted a few times together. He had mentioned there were snowshoe hares in the area, and this is a species I've wanted to add to my airgun hunting life list. I didn't have a chance last year, but this year I was committed to making it happen. This video is from that hunt. Stop by for a look

Never hunted them with a pellet rifle. Would be a blast. I remember one time a friend & I drove to Maine in middle of winter just to hunt those things. The first morning we went huntin was 20 below. Snowshoes & snowmobiles, misery x2. We used dogs, & those things were fast & hard to see. I managed to take two , my friend never did get one. They are hard to see, that was over 20 plus years ago doubt I could see them at all now. I skinned one put it in a bread sack threw it in bed of truck. About a week later it was still there froze. Cooked it up, was not too bad. The guys we went with said if I gave him a hundred dollar he would mount the other one and mail it to me. He must of lost my address. 

Hey Jim, thanks for sharing the hunt. I always enjoy your stuff. Especially your squirrel hunts. 
Thanks all, sorry I didn't respond earlier, been out on back to back to back hunting trips. After this snowshoe hunt I did a deer hunt in Texas with the Hatsan PileDriver .50, and got home sooner than expected, so loaded up and headed back north to WI for more rabbit and squirrel hunting!

Wyeth, how you doing my friend? I'll shoot you a PM, hope all is well for you...... maybe we can do a PD shoot again when things go back to normal!