Show me your tripod setups

Please don’t interpret this as a knock on tripods. I use a Manfrotto regularly in my basement for indoor shooting with a simple yoke, no Arca or pic attachment.
For me they are OK at the range where targets are more or less at fixed heights where I set the tripod height and I’m good to go.

For hunting though I much prefer the Primos Trigger Stik because my prey can be anywhere, from on the ground to almost right overhead and a wide left right as well. The Trigger Stik is so quickly adjusted to most any situation, and sometimes a knee is easily situated to take a shot. I have the short mono, bipod and tripod but use the mono and bipod the most. I also have the tall tripod model for those occasional times I’m not sit hunting, which I do 9 times out of 10. The super fast adjustability is just handy as heck, and they’re fairly light and compact. The latest generation of them has an easily removeable yoke so you can drop on a spotting scope or camera.
Yeah, I run a primos trigger tripod and it may not be the best but it definitely suits my needs for when I need it.
