Sheridan barrel separation ??

This happen today. What do recommend for repair?

thank you

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I have a vintage late '60's Blue Streak that I bought new, it's still shooting great and still looks good, one of my biggest air gun fears is that someday I may pick it up and see a separation like that, I'd think about Mac1, but I'd try JB weld first, and if that didn't work I'd send it out to be repaired.
I've fixed allot of stuff with JB Weld that I never thought would hold and it hasn't failed very often.
I recall seeing something posted by Tim on another site/forum indicating not to send him separations if JB Weld or other epoxy repair methods were used. Again that was a couple of years ago (almost 10) and he may now have reconsidered performing repairs after use of JB Weld.

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