Seneca Sumatra .22

Though mine is the older 380cc-tubes version and well-tuned (down in power), I don't know why the current 500cc iteration wouldn't be as accurate (if also well-tuned). Assuming that's true, here are the answers to your questions.

View attachment 1555227579_12515725035cb2e3bb748869.46579350_22 Sumatra Rifle.pdf

My 500cc .25 only needs to be on setting 2-4 for JSB 25.43 & no more than 6 for 33.95. If you shoot anything other than Eun Jin or slugs on anything from 8-13 the soft lead pellets will be ripped apart.

I usually shoot 20 grain FTT on 2, 25.43 on 3-4 & same for 33.95 unless I’m reaching out far, than I might go as high as 6 but faster means more drag so you’ll need some JSB 25.43 33.95 & Eun Jin .22’s.

Anything else, even 21 grain Kodiaks, start on a 3K fill & power wheel bottomed out (1) try up to (4) for a 32-50 yard zero & learn your dots on whatever magnification you like. 

Slug your barrel if you have micrometers. Mine is a 253” .25
Great information guys thanks I have the JSBs I been shooting out of my Aspen so need to get some Seneca pellets the old Eun Jin pellets. How about the slugs I noticed Nick offers a .217 a .218 and now a new .223 I think, has anyone tried them in the Sumatra? I’m very much looking forward to testing some slugs out, and how heavy can you go and still fit in the magazine? Mr Hollowpoint has up to 55 grain slugs I’m drooling at the prospect of all the different options you can have with a air rifle that can shoot slugs as well as pellets.