Say hello to my little friend

Same as Beer nap. They constantly visit my back yard.

Same problem here. I live on 10 acres in a rural area and checking for deer wandering into the shooting lane is part of the pre-shot routine.

We usually have a resident doe, her fawns and one or two young does over the summer. In the fall groups of 6 to 9 deer and the odd buck or two are typical. Winter time the deer yard nearby and it's common to have 15-20 deer troupe by.

This summer has been different in that there's 4 does ( 2 with fawns) and 5 bucks around. You know those cement lawn ornaments? Yeah, there was a real 8 point buck and 2 does bedded on my front lawn this morning.

No longer hunt deer, it's nice to watch them.
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