Resighting of my hawk sidewinder 6-20x scope

I had to move my scope on my rail for my Vulcan .25 so i could have space for a camera mount.

i need to resight the scope and gun. Do i site it in at 6.5 magnification at 35 yards or at the 20x magnification?

Isn’t the parallex calibrated for a certain magnification? Does that affect the sites at different magnification. I cant remember from when i did it last year.
Thanks for be response. So if using strelok to determine hold over will it be accurate when changing the magnifications in the app. Or do you think where it says calibrates for 20x means I need to sight at 20x?



I am using strelok pro and there isn't anywhere to put the magnification you used when sighting in, it asked for lowest mag,highest mag and the power the reticle was calibrated at and that would be 20x for the OP.
unless streloc has changed something, but I can't see why it would matter, if your sighted in at 40yds you should still be sight in regardless of power setting.