Tuning RAW - Any news on the newly designed side lever?

I don’t understand why they are pushing these useless bling features instead of improving on the aged internals.

there are literally dozens of mods ppl do to the valve and hammer system on these guns to make them more efficient and shoot better.
even some ideas with adjustable valve spring tension…not to mention external plenums. 

lots of shroud designs out there, make the gun 2-3x quieter that any oem “pickle” solution.

but no, we need a chassis stock, drop handle cocking and a tuner to make it up-to-date and cool.

I highly doubt these are martins ideas. 

I will defend RAW here, Really no need to change a design that has worked for more than 20yrs, that’s the beauty of these guns they are tough, durable and very, very accurate right out of the box.

I might add they hold their point of aim no matter how many times you put them or out of the safe or may I dear say BUMP them!

The add on’s are simple and mainly for PRS competition which fits right into RAW territory! It’s a nice little niche that a couple big named Manufacturers will struggle with. 
The “Pickle” will be one of the first things tossed in comp. Noise is not a factor.
The general proven design doesn’t have to change. 


but this prickle business is ridiculous