Probe management

I don’t mind probes, or at least I wouldn’t mind them if they were standardized and every gun took the same probe. But because they are not standardized I have ended up with to many different probes and it’s hard to track which goes with which, so today I came up with a solution I thought I would share in case anyone else would like to use it. I got a verity of colors of paint markers from Michael’s and painted the probes and then put a matching dot of paint in an inconspicuous place on the gun (since Edgun Leshiys already have red on the port cover I used red on the Leshiy probe). Before painting the probes I sanded them just a little to roughen them up to help the paint stick. In addition to the spot of paint on the gun I am also going to put a list with the guns and colors in the tool chest where I store my gun parts (like the probes), so I can look at the list grab the correct probe and then grab the gun.
