Prepping guns for the upcoming hot & humid New York summer

When I lived in central Florida and having and extensive gun collection rust prevention was part of my weekly routine. Even if not used I would re-oil the bore and all exposed metal once a month or so. For long term storage I removed the stocks and coated all metal with gun oil, for air guns I've always used MP-5 oil, even scope and stock screws would be coated and if I touched any metal it would be wiped down before I put them up. This routine became a way of life and the price of the hobby. No matter how tired or rushed I was I always cleaned my guns after use, in that climate you HAD to if you wanted to keep them nice. With my air guns I wipe them down after use with alcohol and coat with light film of MP-5 even the anodized aluminum, "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure"!