Pre orders on new Leshiy 2 being taken


I wanted a Leshiy2, so I was calling Brian on different occasions and he told me to get on the email pre-order list, so I did. I can understand the frustrations some of your members are going through. But I made sure I would be 1 of the 100 who will be able to get the new Leshiy2 so I turned on my email notification so that when I get new emails I know. Brian told me that it was no guarantee I would be 1 of the first, so to blame Brian or the system is really not fair to him and the person who developed the program. Now I have to decide which scope to put on the Leshiy2 when it comes in.



Looks like your right, just got another email!
I missed the first 100 pre-order but was able to get on the second wave. Thanks Brian and Ed for the second opportunity! I placed an order for the 250mm Short in .25cal. I was having problems trying to place the pre-order due to several unfilled prompts such as the "Region" with no drop down menu. I clicked the "Pre-Order" button several times with no response until it went through and I got an order confirmation. It might have been due to a large influx of orders or traffic but I'm not totally sure. Tim or Brian, if you're monitoring, you might want to check on this to make sure others can smoothly place their pre-orders.
Life isn't fair but you should always strive to be. I personally think EdGun/Brian is as fair as possible.

I have seen sellouts in crazy-fast times before. Ducati released a motorcycle (forgot which) a while ago - sold out worldwide in 6 minutes, and this was on a $20k item.

I am curious - would ramping up production (if even possible) to say, 250-500 initial units have killed demand as it's not quite as "rare"? And then there's the question if it were even possible to increase production with no reduction in quality.
I kind of trip out on people throwing a fit about pre-orders and things not being in stock. If you missed the first 100 pre-order notification, keep checking. After all, like Ed said,...It's just a toy and not "essential" lol. If you really want it bad, you have to be on top of things like checking your email every day and throughout the day. I don't blame Ed or Brian for something that has a high demand. Eventually you'll be able to get your hands on one. Like the saying goes,..."You snooze, you lose".
Like the saying goes,..."You snooze, you lose".

In this instance, I much prefer Ed's Russian saying.

"Whoever awakens first gets to wear the slippers." 😄 I think I am going to start using that one myself. 

Anyway, I thought this whole thing went great. I was excited when I saw the "Anubis" video and even bought into it a little bit before realizing it could be a coverup for an actual Edgun. But, the posts from Ed personally and the videos he shared with all of us about the manufacturing and testing of his guns is what gave me the confidence to seriously look at spending this kind of money on an airgun. I also dealt with Brian at Edgun West recently, and I formed the opinion that he was a honest, fair standup guy who would do what's right if anything ever happened.

Great job to all involved! Stay safe and healthy and have fun!


I won!, no, I got TWO questions answered by ED on his latest online chat.

Can someone elaborate?, In response to a question related to the power adjustment on the Leshiy2 Eds reply included

"via the transfer port SLEEVE", 

what/where is the SLEEVE on the Leshiy2.

ps sorry if my previous comment seemed uncaring, reading it back it sounded as such, again sorry.