Prayers for Wijib.

Fellow member Bill Beer (Wijib) suffered a heat attack yesterday. He is recovering in the hospital and awaiting a procedure to improve his condition. He is comfortable and is responding to texts from close friends. For those of us fortunate enough to call him a friend, you know his heart is his biggest organ!

Bill is a man of strong faith. Please join us in praying for a full and fast recovery.

Dang thats tough, but something that you can get to the other side off.
My friend had one while driving, or that is he was stopped at a red light in his 1984 Dodge ram charger, then he died, foot slipped off brake and he rolled nice and easy across intersection and into a BMW.

He had 11 more heart attacks before he was finally stable enough to drive to the hospital.
My friend also by chance met one of the paramedics some years later and he was surprised to see my friend was still alive.

I do not have a hotline to any deity, but i am sure Bill got this 💪