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Please Post YOUR Favorite Youtube Airgun Channels here

Thanks to all who watch our channel Sub 12 Airgunners (y) it's great to here that people from the other side of the pond watch:) sub 12 airgunners is more of an information channel than entertainment, the content it's all just stuff me and my son do to our / friends guns in our garage work shop, we are not sponsored by anyone or paid for any of the content on the channel it's just 2 blokes in a garage making stuff or tinkering with pcp's in the sub 12 format, i do shoot HP but in the UK most people are restricted to sub and it is really where my interest lies hence the sub 12 channel

We are shocked every time we put a vid up at the amount of people that watch, it's a relatively small channel but we are very proud of it, so thanks to all the people that do watch we really do appreciate the support (y) :)
AirArmsHuntingSA, AEAC, TedsHoldover, Air Hunter Gerard, and AirTac Hunting.

I’m a HUGE fan of Matt Dubber and Raulf as well. I admire the rags to riches that they both have enjoyed. They deserve the attention and probably have the cleanest hunting videos on you tube. Very professionally run with very little to complain about. Thier ethics and respect of the game they take is what we should all strive to emulate. And not mention without those guys working with FX, I dare say we wouldn’t have seen the gains in this sport that we have. TOP shelf guys I‘ll follow for a long time.

I used to watch Gerard more than recently, he’s changed the style of his content and doesn’t interest me as much as it used to. I still respect him and follow him as a shooter, but I wish he would regain some of his ethics and respect of the hunt more than he has recently.

Steve Shally is just down right awesome. The amount of time and professionalism of his videos are top notch. And he’s a pretty dang good teacher to boot. He’s fun to watch and he gives honest opinions even when the gear is sponsored.

I just recently started watching Teds Holdover and i like how raw it is. Not overly crazy on the reverse gun camera, but it’s his style and it works for him. Theres a couple others I watch on and off and a couple mentioned here I’ve just started to gain interest in.

One i refuse to watch is Edgun, zero ethics and lousy sportsmanship. He’s probably the reason i wont buy an edgun, I don’t know if he sees any money from edgun, or what his ties to edgun are, but i wont buy one in case my money finds its way to him. Just a crappy individual.
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**Mod edit** quote removed
2 things...

1) Brian doesn't pay me a penny
2) Love the name Devils Gun... 10000% using that.

Have a nice day!

Edit: I just realized who you were Nate. You may not "buy" a devil gun, but that certainly didn't stop you from begging for a free one to make videos with.

You're a weird guy Nate, but devils gun is still fire... so you got that going for you 👍
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Thanks for mentioning my channel, it's a small channel where I post what I enjoy the most, hunting iguanas and from time to time I also show a product or something I'm really liking. I've bought almost everything I own, maybe with the exception of 1 or 2 things that were sent to me. If someone wants to send me something I have these 2 conditions. 1: If you send me something is because you want, not because I agree on showcase the product or anything like that so the product might never see the front of my camera lens, and 2: if I show it... I'll share with everyone my findings and not hiding or sugar coating anything.

Let me be honest here, I'm a viewer also and I know how it feels watching some YouTube channels nowadays, but at the same time I have my own channel and I'll tell you that running a channel with no help is really hard. I know Nate used to buy the guns he wanted to review to later sell them here, but really think about that, if you want to show products you need products, and I think the route Nate was going was a good start but was not sustainable on the long run so I'm glad when I see companies helping Nate.... and running a YouTube channel goes beyond the airgun equipment, the filming gear is a separate hobby and another one very expensive, if you think airguns are expensive don't even think about buying filming gear... don't go there!

I feel very lucky because the mindset I've developed after my profession (I'm graduated in Computer Science) and few years ago I decided to look into 3D printing and with your support by buying my products I've been able to self fund my YouTube channel project, so until this point I've been able to run it sponsor free but I understand not everyone can do that, and I'm not saying having a sponsor is bad, the problem I see is that eventually it can create a moral dilemma that I would not like to be!

That's the reason I always say, thanks for your support! Because without it, I don't think I'll be filming anymore!

you need more haters lol
2 things...

1) Brian doesn't pay me a penny
2) Love the name Devils Gun... 10000% using that.

Have a nice day!

Edit: I just realized who you were Nate. You may not "buy" a devil gun, but that certainly didn't stop you from begging for a free one to make videos with.

You're a weird guy Nate, but devils gun is still fire... so you got that going for you 👍

Too bad we can't get into it on here; It's against the rules, and I don't want to get kicked off.

So your the guy who shot the skunk in the leg because you were "waiting too long" for a good shot...then you poured a bunch of bleach over him under your deck when he wouldn't come out? How did that end up turning out?

I have always wondered what happened. What happened? I'm sure you remember.
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Thanks to all who watch our channel Sub 12 Airgunners (y) it's great to here that people from the other side of the pond watch:) sub 12 airgunners is more of an information channel than entertainment, the content it's all just stuff me and my son do to our / friends guns in our garage work shop, we are not sponsored by anyone or paid for any of the content on the channel it's just 2 blokes in a garage making stuff or tinkering with pcp's in the sub 12 format, i do shoot HP but in the UK most people are restricted to sub and it is really where my interest lies hence the sub 12 channel

We are shocked every time we put a vid up at the amount of people that watch, it's a relatively small channel but we are very proud of it, so thanks to all the people that do watch we really do appreciate the support (y) :)
Love your channel Mate!!!

It's Bloody good.
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2 things...

1) Brian doesn't pay me a penny
2) Love the name Devils Gun... 10000% using that.

Have a nice day!
2 things...

1) Brian doesn't pay me a penny
2) Love the name Devils Gun... 10000% using that.

Have a nice day!

Edit: I just realized who you were Nate. You may not "buy" a devil gun, but that certainly didn't stop you from begging for a free one to make videos with.

You're a weird guy Nate, but devils gun is still fire... so you got that going for you 👍

Too bad we can't get into it on here; It's against the rules, and I don't want to get kicked off.

So your the guy who shot the skunk in the leg because you were "waiting too long" for a good shot...then you poured a bunch of bleach over him under your deck when he wouldn't come out? How did that end up turning out?

I have always wondered what happened. What happened? I'm sure you remember.

I'm flattered you watch me this close, but I suggest taking another look at that video from 3 years ago. I used bleach to cleanup the skunks spray on concrete behind my neighbors door.

Why? I guess I'm just a good neighbor. Bad shots happen... apologies for showing those shots, and the net result. I can easily see how you confused that with me shooting a squirrel in the leg and pouring bleach on it until it died (per your now removed comment).

You see Nate... while I know your YT account and this site give you a sense of importance, and loosing those would be devastating... there are consequences. You getting thrown off here, your misguided anger over not getting a free gun, and accusing someone of animal abuse with made up events b/c you’re butthurt…. Well, anything that happens in your life are all the direct results of your own actions and bad decisions.

While I appreciate Brian using the value I bring to him as a way for evaluating partnership opportunities... like the one you presented... it's a strange move to come at me when you got a No! Instead... like many other creators have, a quick DM, email, etc asking for some help/feedback would have been a much better move.

So here's probably what you're looking for... a little help, but before we do that... you need to hear some truth. What you do with this is up to you...

Let's start with some harsh reality... You have zero value to a company in this industry as it stands today. Now before you wet your pants, let's unpack that. You've grossly overestimated the return you provide to the company whom is investing a free gun in you. Throwing your vanity metrics in a lazy proposal are pointless... but even those don't even remotely come close to getting a free gun... let alone $$ on top of that. You freaked out over some basic questions a company had as part of their evaluation.

I understand this ... and it's why IMHO, I'm just now getting into a place where my value justifies free stuff and/or $$. A YouTube channel doesn't suddenly mean companies owe you something Nate. It's not me, Brian, other creators who've figured it out, platforms shadow banning you. or any other companies fault... the sum of your work simply doesn't justify free guns. Instead of taking professional feedback, and an initial no... you did what you did.

You're not alone though... so don't feel bad. 95% of these gun channels are doomed from the get... why, well... let's talk about it.

First, a little context for you Nate… some history about what I've built if you will...

I didn't start the Leshiy channel so I could get free stuff. I know that was your motivation, but it wasn't mine. I started it b/c it was fun telling my unique story of this absolutely bonkers backyard I inherited. You seem to consume quite a bit of my content... so this probably isn't news for you.

What you might not know is the real root of the story… before I was having fun telling my story. You see, long before I bought an ATN that recorded video, I was just like a lot of guys on this forum... and millions of views, free stuff, etc doesn't change that. I'm still just like most of you... normal dude who loves shooting and the outdoors... I just happen to have social outlets people find entertaining.

Anyways... I digress... back to the root of why I started everything. I was looking for the perfect gun for my specific needs. Ultimately I was tricked (mislead maybe is a better word) into NOT buying the Leshiy Classic by guys like you Nate... ones that take free guns and bash other guns for $... or perhaps you're not there... but it's clearly your goal.

UA was cool enough to not beat me up too bad when I came to this realization, and traded in that final mistake for my first Leshiy Classic.

I reached out to Brian for some advice on the gun. After a little time, we became friends. During some of those early conversations I had with him, I realized this was a David a Goliath situation he was in... and I pitched him an offer he couldn’t refuse. The Leshiy Classic is an iconic gun… it was just missing this sense of community and story telling b/c Leshiy owners for the most part are totally different than a guy whom wants to pontificate about reg pressure, hammer spring, valve dwell time, etc. These are guys whom just want to throw the thing in their truck and shoot. I recognized that, and offered to build that community... for free. Why would a company owe me something yet? I was willing to invest and support small businesses along the way. The entitlement some airgun youtuber's like yourself feel is crazy.

The Leshiy Channel was always about the gun… never me. I had zero interest in being a YouTuber, but I was very interested in learning how to build a community through entertainment, and a little education.., using tools like YouTube, a blog, and other social platforms.

The sum of the parts I've built is what ultimately created that community. It's in that where I can drive value to partners. It's always a balance though, as the community itself is in the drivers seat. The balance I took was partnering with companies where I could showcase their brand/products in an organic way... not jamming BS down their throats. I get sent tons of stuff that never makes a video. My "review" is implied in that I only use what I love. People can make up their own minds based upon what they see me use. Every once and while I find that line, and perhaps showcase something I regret promoting by using it, or perhaps make people feel you can't enjoy airguns unless you can afford a $2K BB gun. That one in particular bothers me the most... but I'm working on that as we speak.

In marketing we refer to this as identifying your avatar, and then deep diving into everything about them. It's an ongoing process of getting to know your audience... what they like, where they go online, what they love, what they hate, etc... then taking that knowledge, and building content around it. I did this, and it's why my channel gets the views, engagement, and retention it does.

Your mistake is that you want free stuff to build your audience... vs the other way around. You see how that makes zero sense to even a big company... let alone one like EDgun West. FX for an example... they have a huge budget, and they giveaway guns to everyone and their mother. It's a good strategy if you can afford it... especially in a super young vertical like high-end airguns. They are playing a numbers game looking for the next big channel vs having to evaluate each and every personal/partner opportunity. It's not a knock on them... in fact it's the opposite. They grinded and got to a position where they could blanket the market.

Small brands can't do that, they have to understand everything I spoke about above, and then evaluate and make decisions on who to partner with. Brian is an extreme as EDgun doesn't put a single penny into marketing. He established a process in which evaluates where to put marketing $, and did just that with you. You took a "No thanks, and here's why" like an entitled airgun youtuber who grossly overestimates their value. Your behavior solidified that he made the right decision, and I promise you... any other company that reads this, or asks me about it... they will see that too.

To make matters worse, you doubled down on your initial mistake, and instead of taking the feedback Brian gave you... you got mad, and started banging your keyboard in the direction of the person you're ultimately trying to be... me.

Consider this lesson one. Happy to guide and even help you. The decision to do that within the context of peer to peer help, or through the lens of consequences is up to you... best of luck Nate.


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Thanks to all who watch our channel Sub 12 Airgunners (y) it's great to here that people from the other side of the pond watch:) sub 12 airgunners is more of an information channel than entertainment, the content it's all just stuff me and my son do to our / friends guns in our garage work shop, we are not sponsored by anyone or paid for any of the content on the channel it's just 2 blokes in a garage making stuff or tinkering with pcp's in the sub 12 format, i do shoot HP but in the UK most people are restricted to sub and it is really where my interest lies hence the sub 12 channel

We are shocked every time we put a vid up at the amount of people that watch, it's a relatively small channel but we are very proud of it, so thanks to all the people that do watch we really do appreciate the support (y) :)
Oh man, your channel is AMAZING. Only airgun one I really reccomend via word of mouth. Thank you for taking the time to do all the technical stuff and for the inspiration for diy mods. The content reminds me of the best of 90s era internet 1.0
I figured I'd drop in and list a few of my 'usual go-to- channels',
but almost all of them were already listed and taken care of..
[I watch a LOT of airgun-content from 'random' channels]
*Most are people's 'personal channels' so I won't list those..
But a personal - now Airgun Specific channel that I really enjoy is:
Airguns & Pesting Ch.

You'll get a little bit of everything!
Advise, how-to's, custom/home-made rifles, demos, reviews, etc.
**Always support the 'little guys' - It's their channels that are not
bought / paid for / sponsored by 'big name companies', so..
Content and products are more likely to be Authentic / Non Biased.

Sam -
Hey guys. I have an airgun channel on YT as many of you know. It's called "Airgun Channel". I also started a new one called "AGC Sports".

I would like to make a video about my favorite airgun channels on Youtube. Before I do, I would like to know of ALL the airgun channels on YT. I know there are probably some great ones I don't even know about. Please list your favorite channels here. I will check them all out....and other people can too. Thanks guys! -Nate

Shooter1721, Cyclops Video, 68. Whiskey, Mountian Sport Airguns, Airgun Gear Show, AEAC & Vlog, Ted's Holdover & Vlog, AirArmsHuntingSA (Matt Dubber), his friend that also kills stuff all day, the latin guy who has his wife kill stuff, Shooting Gear Reviews, Andy's Airgun Reviews, "giant airgun store" channels like PY Insider and AOA don't count, Airgun WebTV, Airgun Angie, Up North Airgunner, Sun City Airguns, Hajimoto Productions, Airgun Evolution **Mod delete***, Edgun Leshiy **Mod delete**

....I think that's all I can name.

Please list your favorite channels below! Happy shooting! -Nate
Definitely Airgun Channel is one of the worse,.....open a box, shoot a few mags out of a gun to make a video, hype that gun to the max and the next day put it up in the classified, I cringe even when I watch videos of guns I like, truly an awful channel.
Definitely Airgun Channel is one of the worse,.....open a box, shoot a few mags out of a gun to make a video, hype that gun to the max and the next day put it up in the classified, I cringe even when I watch videos of guns I like, truly an awful channel.

Funny, I cut out the box opening part. We only shoot a few mags if the the pellets go though the same hole on the first try. No need to shoot for 10 minutes when the first shots down the barrel go right through the bullesye. I usually just read the stats and rarely even give my opinion of the gun, not sure how that counts as "Hyping" a gun. All I do is show the out of the box accuracy. I don't know how else to show the people what to expect for thier $.

I'm glad you hate my channel AirArcher and Slim. I'm #1 now, and so far out ahead of everyone else, they could never catch up. (Not counting "Kill Channels")

I knew I would get alot of views in the beginning if I shot animals. I just decided long ago to protect the innocent. If I was hungry I would take some game in a humane manner. But people already did that for me and I get my food at the grocery store.

No offence to anyone who wants to criticize my channel. I can't really get upset, since I'm #1 at the moment. Who knows, maybe YT will shut me down next. I can tell you that if my videos topped out at 2-10K views, I would have to quit.

Happy shooting guys! ...all of you! -Nate

Stats for the last 48 hours and views/subs in the last 30 days for Airgun Channel (I made $7 too!)


VIPER STATS Check out the subs I get off 1 hit video!


P.S. I don't talk about it. But I named that gun. They were going to call it the Evanix DARK. I was like, "any other choices?" The gave me 3 and I picked Viper. Good times!
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I just realized I started this thread. Sorry about getting wierd about Edgun West. He's right, I am a wierd guy.

I would also like to apologize to AGN for violating the rules.

I will go back and check out all the channels in this thread...which is why I started it, all those pages ago. (4 pages)

Thanks guys! I will try and make a video about all these channels soon! -Nate
Actually starting to stay away from most channels. I don’t really see value in many of the channels except for pure entertainment.
Truly don’t see most telling what is BAD with an item as every rifle/accessory can’t be great. When was the last review you saw were the item was given two thumbs down?
Too many people believe lies are the truth and the truth means nothing. Also, you started this thread stating “my favorite airgun channels on Youtube.” Do you think watching what everyone else has watched or is watching will give you a favorite channel in such a short time?
Just a question I asked, as most that would consider something a favorite would have been watching for some time and not just seeing it one time or skimming through it. Now, if your just inquiring about all the other channels which you may not know about, that’s another story.
Best of luck on your channel…