Pesting in the wind with my Impact MK2

It was a challenging day of shooting pest birds in the wind. I was a bit rusty after missing some long distance shooting lately, but I managed to tag a few birds eventually.


Max , misses are frustrating for sure . Great video to learn from for guys like me ! I'm now recuperating from hip replacement , locked up in the house ( and well taken care of , I must say !) . I got out a few times over the weekend to harass the starlings at the dairy silage bunkers. I set up at one of two spots that range 46 - 53 yrds over sealed round bales. This only gives shots on the wall, letting any that land inside on the feed spared. Okay though as I've managed to take over 60 birds in the past week . My Katran Long B was returned from UA in time for a couple field shoots w/ some heavy pellets that did the job, even though it's set up for H&N 23gr slugs. I'm able to keep after hosps pestering our bluebirds & tree swallows from the first floor w/ my Kral NP03 ( rat gun ). In a week or so I may be able to get to the second story "sniping " hide & then the Man Cave basement range . Wish I could have set up a pellet trap outside ! Oh well , I'll get back into it by the time the young G-hogs are coming out. Keep working on the Kentucky windage !