Permission Contacted Me

One of the Dairy Farms that has given me permission to use their property called me today. Sort of funny because he needed to know how to troubleshoot his laser. Late last year his barns were covered in Starlings roosting on the rafters and pooping on the cows. What a place to shoot....but there were so many there is no way I could've eliminated them. So I showed him how a green laser shining around the inside of the barn roof would move them out. A couple of appllications and they find another place to roost especially if you move them out on a dark rainy night. The downside is by being helpful I eliminated a hot place to shoot. Remember, a green laser will move most birds from where they are and if you have a pemission in need of getting rid of the pests, do the green laser trick. Caution...Operate the laser like you would a rifle. It will go a long way, maybe into the sky and catch a pilot in the eye, and like a rifle it will ricochet of things slike stainless steel milk tanks etc.
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