PCP regrets or dissapointments

My biggest regret is pouring money into a .25 Marauder. It was my first pcp and was great, then I had a .22 barrel put on because it was supposed to be more accurate than the green mountain .25 barrel. And it was! Except the gun was almost impossible to cock because of the new spring (for power), and I was double loading pellets. It was really accurate but terrible to use, I paid to have it corrected and then sold the gun at a loss. My biggest regret is selling my RAW .25 in desperate times. My favorite rifle is my Theoben .20 by far. I really like my .30 crown and the accuracy is incredible but the cost of pellets and the loudness makes it a gun I don’t shoot that much. To many neighbors close by. I’m sending it off to A.Z. and he’s going to convert it into a hot .177 that will be shooting just over 1000 FPS. He has a special barrel for it and said the accuracy is phenomenal using the heavy pellet. He’s also going to be making a custom shroud for it, going for as quiet as possible. So I’m going to have my first custom rifle soon. 
Regrets: As much as I love my single shot EDguns (.25 R5 SM and .22 R3 Long, plus gen1 .20 Lelya) I’d have to say I regret buying the EDGun R5M. Firstly, the indexing issue that I’ve written about on another post. Secondly, we couldn’t get it to be accurate with the Heavy pellets. With the Kings it was fine, but heavies not so much. With all the options out there in .25 repeaters, this was a big disappointment. 
Exceeded expectations: .30 FX Bobcat Mk2. It never ceased to amaze me just how good this gun really is. Having come out in 2012, there hasn’t been a gun made yet that is more accurate or more efficient. It’s always spot on, easy to shoot, efficient and ACCURATE.

I have to agree with centercut in the bobcat. Mine is 25 cal. shoots the kings at 900-910fps like a lazor and gives me 75-80 full power shots per fill (225bar). Its the orig gen 1 and I paid extra to get it regulated. I own 3 FX PCPs and its a toss up on the triggers between the bobcat and the boss. As far as triggers the Impact comes in last. The Impact is a different animal and takes time to get use to and tune but I love mine, I have hit shotgun shells at 135yards with consistency, 60 yard 1/2 inch groups are common. I own 3 other air guns and when I look in my gun safe my only regret is not having time to use them all enough, I'm always thinking of selling a couple but....

FX Revolution was a total abortion, what a POS! By far my most regretful airgun buying decision I've made! Literally could not be fixed after 3 times in the shop.

At first I absolutely hated my G1 FX Impact, if there was a screw it was loose it seemed, barrel kept coming loose as well, reg failed, barrel leaded badly, and to top it off the FX no limits mount could not be tightened enough to keep the scope from slipping down over time (took me a while to figure out this was a problem). All this happening at the same time was extremely aggravating, reminded me of that wack a mole game, lol. I felt like wrapping it around a tree at times! A fantastic gunsmith and friend fixed it all, thanks Bobby! I like it now but bad memories....

Like my FX Royale but the reg creeps a little.

My old Daystate Panther which was a great gun in so many ways would throw shots for unknown reasons. Never could figure it out. Love hate relationship...

Very old Daystate Harrier had POI shifts.

Old Daystate Sportsman pumper was a great rifle but hard to pump.

Most springers, damn things, I sold a bunch lol.

FWB 800 basic, POI shifts ruined a wonderful rifle.

Steyr LG100. Lot's to like but that AZ modded reg kept failing! The only rifle I have owned that had what I consider "THE" perfect trigger, set at 4oz and set to single stage.

Honorable mentions;

Steyr LGB1 biathlon trainer 6ftlbs. Awesome rifle and never a problem, worth every penny!

Steyr LP5 semiauto pistol, Super awesome as well and worth every penny.

The pinnacle - Mac1 USFT, nough said, makes most other rifles seem stupid. What a reliable, accurate, and over built machine!

Crosman 600, neat pistol, needed rebuild, ha I wonder why, what is it like 50 years old?? Works great now and fun to shoot!

FWB 601 (actually I wish I had a 600) but it's a work of art never the less. FWB 300S, wish I still had mine, IMO the best/most enjoyable/ springer of all.

BSA Scorpion and the Tech Star weren't bad rifles at all. 

AAA EVOL, highly desirable and well built rifle, but I have pretty much decided I don't need a 30 cal PCP anymore after shooting one for a few months, things to like but at a sacrifice in other ways. IMO it excels for hunting, 30's thwack hard! But not as hard as a rimfire, wink.


1st was the BSA R10. Great gun but I lost a lot of money in that gun. The R10 is very accurate but sold it because I wanted more power out of the gun and the R10 is as is so to speak.

2nd was selling my tricked out .22 prod at again a big lost. Should've kept that gun for my daughter. I ended up buying a .177 verminator for her so it worked out in the end.

3rd was a .357 Cricket. The gun was very very accurate but I had several missed coyotes and wild dogs with that gun that I deemed it not good for quick target/ranging acquisition. The pellet drop was way to loopy for the intended animal.

4th was a .25 morana. Nothing wrong with the gun. It was the most accurate gun I have ever own but the gun was just not for me. After owning this gun, I know I'm more a hunter then a BR shooter.

All the other guns I own or have sold was/is a pleasure to shoot, and this includes R3M, R3, .25 mrod, disco, two sumatras, three fx's, and a 257 texan. If I had to pick one gun as a great all around gun it would my .25 wildcat with the .22 wildcat in close second. This could flip depending on where I hunt. If I were out at the dairy farms, I would picked the .22 over the .25 but if I don't have to worry about the back ground, the .25.
My regret has been buying more airguns than I can shoot. The drive to the closest open shooting area is 71 miles from my door, plus the weather is terrible for 8 or 9 months out of the year. With 8 PCPs, always have a hard time choosing the one that I want to shoot on the day that I can drive out there (and then there's the tough choice of ammo that I want to shoot).

Too many guns, not enough time 😭👎
My first PCP was a .22 Cricket , then a .25 , then a .25 carbine version. I love them all three . I go on with Air Arms 510 , Marauder .25, Vulcan Tactic .25 , Ataman M2R .22 , FX Wildcat .25 . , FX Boss and the last ...FX Crown. All these guns are very well built , accurate , and I enjoy them. But I have too much ,...and I shoot a few pellets with one , then with another , instead of concentrate on a few to better know them .I just jump from one to another, cannot resist 😐.

My regrets : I bought too much accessories : a lot of silencers , 3 chrony , dozens cans of different pellets, magazines , scopes ….

But I still enjoy myself seeing all these guns aligned in their rack😄

Regret; I have a hand pump graveyard in my closet. A lot of money on high end hand pumps that wouldn’t last, even after rebuilding. Lots of shooting and hand pumps are just a bad combo. If I could do it again from what know now, I would have went straight for the Omega Air Charger and a new 98 cu ft carbon fiber bottle. I have them now so, l guess you live and learn...

You would have lost a lot more than 10 grand if you had a GIRLFRIEND/WIFE.....TRUST ME! 😂
I'm yet to have a regret ,actually that's not true I regret that I've done some much research my eyes burn every night and watched almost every YouTube video about pcp ,pellets /slugs .22 cal .25 or .30 too much fpe not enough fpe but I can save have cheaper ammo in .22 or .25 and than use slugs to double the fpe . Crown interchangeable calibers who doesn't like that idea ..but is it too big to shoot often . Wildcat great design stuck with one caliber no bottle limited shots in higher caliber is it enough power to take out groundhogs .Jsar Raptor American refreshing hasn't really been around long enough to get a good consensus. Hear great things about the Veterans and the Crickets both shoot slugs well hate rear cocking lever . Huben checks alot of boxes but not consistent good luck with customer service if you don't have a YouTube channel .And oh yeah and now it's the end of the year and now that everyone loves idea of shooting slugs I sure all the new 2020 guns will be semi auto slug shooting beast .So maybe all these sales are to get rid of old inventory .Buy now Wait .The best untainted research has actually been reading all of your discussions which I'm quite grateful for and the OP that started this one which has opened my eyes up a bit more ..Thanks All 
My biggest regret is not having moved to PCP airguns sooner. I wasted too much time and money on springers and hand pumpers like the .177 Crosman Backpacker. My first two PCP rifles were both from Crosman. I bought both an MRod and a Prod in .22. The MRod was a bit too heavy and conspicuous for pesting squirrels around the house so two years later the PRod came along. My only complaint about the PRod is it's a bit too under powered for Eastern Fox Squirrel pesting even at 7-10 yards. I am hoping the addition of a balance valve will address the power issue. The PRod is great for pesting since it is so light and small. Yeah...I know more money spent on the PCP airgun money pit. My wife allows me to spend a little on my rifles because our squirrel problem is serious. I blocked all entrances into our house and the squirrels resorted to lifting concrete roof tiles and boring through the plywood to get in. We had hundreds of them around our lot. Once in the attic they destroy alarm system and electrical wiring. I trapped and snared more than 250 of them over five years until these methods no longer worked.

My two favorite rifles that I purchased a few months ago are the .25 AGT Uragan and the .22 Taipan Veteran. Both are extremely accurate and powerful right out of the box. The rifles were purchased based on positive feedback from this forum.