Passed away

Good afternoon gentalmen.

i have logged on to my Farthers account to let all his friends know that he had a stroke on the way to work late last year. He had it whilst driving on the motor way. Dad is still in Hostpital he has lost most of his movement and speech sadly we have been told that there is almost no chance of him leaving the Hostpital we have been asked if we would be willing to turn the life support of or keep it going. As a family we are praying to our lord for help as he is deeply loved by all of us and his shooting friends.

Can i please ask you all who know him to keep him in your prayers,what makes it slightly worse is that when my brother was running around to dads side of the car to get him out and help him another car side swiped dads car and drove off this caused more injuries to dad my brother was also hurt but not badly.

I see dad every night and try to read some of the forums he used to go on I am so sorry I’ve not managed to get to this one before hand.

We are trying to work out his passwords for his email accounts mostly they are the same as uncle marks his twin brother who as you can imagine is mortified.

lots of love

Kay May Mccready