PARD Night Stalker video

First blacked out 12 seconds is before the ir was turned on as I was moving into position. The stand alone ir is not aligned quite right with the bulk of the beam hitting low. You can see me trying to adjust the beam at 1min 45 second mark. At 2min 35 seconds in the video the onboard ir is turned on and replacing the stand alone ir unit.

Cat starts out at 160 yards and moves in to 80 yards. Pardon the shaky parts of the video.

First blacked out 12 seconds is before the ir was turned on as I was moving into position. The stand alone ir is not aligned quite right with the bulk of the beam hitting low. You can see me trying to adjust the beam at 1min 45 second mark. At 2min 35 seconds in the video the onboard ir is turned on and replacing the stand alone ir unit.

Cat starts out at 160 yards and moves in to 80 yards. Pardon the shaky parts of the video.

It definitely looks like it stays clear up through the higher magnification!