Ozark Mountain Airgun Club's First Event

May 28th? It's a long weekend with Monday being Memorial Day.

I would be game for a Saturday Event. Squirrel Hunt in the morning and a Fun Shoot in the Afternoon or vice versa. Dinner at camp Saturday Evening. 

I would probably show and campout Friday Afternoon through Sunday Morning. 

This weekend might not work for everyone due to it being a holiday so if you are interested in joining just let us know what works best for you so we can try and accommodate everyone. 
Try to keep the prizes small. The event is not about winning big prizes but getting together with like minded people and having a good time. Hell last year's dinner and campfire time were the highlight of my weekend. You guys provided a killer spread and good company. The hunting sucked cause of the heat and wind. Too big a prize table tends to bring out the worst in people in an effort to win. Have seen it too many times in competitions I have paid big money to attend. If you want to give away a big prize then make it a drawing style and thats gives everyone an even chance or sell tickets for it and use that money for club money.

My brewer sold his business so no Lauger Enforcement this year. Time to find a new micro brew for this year's event.

I am down for Memorial weekend but I think it will limit those with families as that is a popular weekend for kids getting out of school and the start of the summer vacations.
I like the idea of a random draw! Hard to cheat a piece of paper picked from a hat lol

I agree on the fire and dinner being the highlight! We all sure appreciate the wood you brought last year!!

I'll plan on bringing a bone in ham to hang and some good local beef for burgers.

I would try and pickup a pony keg from one of the local breweries in town, but I'm horrible about picking out a good tasting craft beer... hints why I just stick with miller lite haha!

* I will also bring a Full Tank of Air in case some do not have a way to fill their rifle when away from home.