Optimum Zero Distance (How to?)

Cea1960, I would recommend you keep your low rings, unless you are consistently shooting out long distance (talking the 75 to 100 yard range), then there is a real advantage to having high rings, the FX no limits -adjustable mounts are a great choice from what I've seen for distance shooters.

In my mind, lower mounts are still better, especially for hunting purposes where, as you said, much shooting is off hand, quick shots sometimes, and your distance to target is rarely in that optimum zero, and many times inside that distance. Really the only disadvantage to low rings is your optimum zero will be closer in, seems to be typical to be in the 30 yard range, which only means you hold over more, when your target is out beyond that. But to each their own.

I use what I have found to be the most valuable tool for airgunners around: The ATN X-Sight 4K Pro and ABL Laser Rangefinder. Long story short, the ATN Ballistics Calculator is like Strelok Pro in your scope. You set a profile for you ammo weight, ballistics coefficient, fps, scope height and zero distance. You the range with the scope, and it moves your crosshairs to the POI. 

So I click one button on my scope to range, and the second click is me pulling the trigger! 😀

It's almost like cheating! I've taken game from 20 to 120 yards with pellets and slugs both, and it's just a point and shoot operation. I highly recommend it!
