once In a life time shot

I did this today during my quarantine time, getting my new sights set up. Haven’t done before and hopefully I won’t do it again cause poop like this gets expensive! Shots were taken at 30yds


Killer! And Congratulations!

I was lucky enough to split an arrow as a teen at a local indoor bow range called Archer's World.. [20/25 yards]
I could tic arrows with my recurves, but it wasn't until' a member lent me a compound that I actually pulled off a split..
Now I'm curious if I still have it kicking around someplace.. I definitely saved it. Then definitely lost it. haha

Hang that trophy on your wall!!


Sam -

Looks like your shooting has evolved into shooting at multiple aiming points with that new sight. Up until 5 years ago, I had to use multiple aiming points or have a pocket full of knocks. Now at 51 and wearing glasses, I am back to being pretty safe shooting 3 arrows at 30+ yards at the same target. Congrats on the Robin Hood. In my 39 years of archery, I never had a clean one like that.