Notifications on Classifieds

Try setting up a Google Alert ( for something like: "Cricket 2" "WTS"

In that example, the " " around Cricket 2 and WTS will make sure the exact phrase shows up, and only that exact phrase - as well as ensuing BOTH are present - and the restricts the results to only this site.

Obviously, this tool can do a LOT more to help you find what you're looking for, but this should get you started and well on the way to owning your new Cricket 2. Wishing you good luck on finding just what you're looking for! :)
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Is it possible to setup a notification in the classified section. For example let s say I want to be notified when a new classified add goes up with the key word Cricket 2. Is this possible?
@FIDI_G That’s an interesting idea. If done a certain way it could work. But there’s always those one or two people…