Northeast Airgun Classic Courses of fire released today!

The wait is over! We have released all the details for the PSC Pro and Sportsman challenges as well as the Pro-Am and Squatchbomb events. Head on over to and look under the Events section. These pdf's can be opened and downloaded. We look forward to seeing all the competitor very soon!


Northeast Airguns
Steve actually talked about a guy from one of the e-mails sent to him, who shot a Sasquatch like being, referred to as the Sabe by the Algonquin people, with a Crosman BB gun in .177. I doubt that all of the emails he receives are truthful, some are either heavily embelished, or otherwise completely made up, but there is definitely a degree of truth about these Sasquatch people living in the American wilderness. I think the reason very few people ever caught these beings on camera, is in their ability to manipulate time, and that probably means, that they're interdimensional - living on multiple planes of existence at once and can therefore travel from one to another via the use of portals. A friend of my mother traveled to India some 7 years back and during a visit to some monastery , took a photo with some kind of a Hindi high priest or monk, and when she had that image developed, the monk was absent from it... I guess he wasn't really a part of our universe that split millisecond when the picture was taken. Although I have to admit, that there is a considerable lack of photographic evidence that these beings exist for this day and age, and I also think the best we ever got was the Patterson-Gimlin film.

Just think about it folks... The tibetans have the Yeti, Aussies, the Yowie, Vietnamese, the "Rock ape"... the list goes on and on. And a word of advice for you Americans; Don't go shooting the Sasquatch, if you happen to encounter him/her out in the woods... And if you perhaps happen to encounter "the silence", just take a few steps back and turn around, exactly the way you got there.
@Triglav Ummmm if I see that thing in the woods and it’s not a steel silhouette target…..I’m out! I’m not going back to that area anytime soon. The game warden can handle that.

Anyhow, good luck to the NEAGC participants. The “Squatchbomb” event has a unique name and makes me wonder what that event entails. Looking forward to hearing more about this competition.
@Triglav Ummmm if I see that thing in the woods and it’s not a steel silhouette target…..I’m out! I’m not going back to that area anytime soon. The game warden can handle that.

Anyhow, good luck to the NEAGC participants. The “Squatchbomb” event has a unique name and makes me wonder what that event entails. Looking forward to hearing more about this competition.
Yeah, I wish I could be there to participate... Sadly, it's just too far away and too little time to be there.
@Triglav Ummmm if I see that thing in the woods and it’s not a steel silhouette target…..I’m out! I’m not going back to that area anytime soon. The game warden can handle that.

Anyhow, good luck to the NEAGC participants. The “Squatchbomb” event has a unique name and makes me wonder what that event entails. Looking forward to hearing more about this competition.

The squatchbomb is a long distance shoot 200, 250, 300 yards on a Metal Sasquatch target , one at each distance, third one has a firebird target and you must hit the first 1 , second 1, and then hit the third one and ignite the target in order to win.
No sir. You can spectate for free. You will need eye protection to watch at the ranges. We would love to have you come and check it out.
Actual ANSI spec safety glasses? Or regular prescription eye glasses are good enough?
I would love to make plans to drive 5+ hours one way to attend. But it sure would suck to not be allowed in because I did not bring eye protection that meets an unable-to-be-disclosed specification.

I'm sure this is insurance liability driven. And probably sensitive, and can not be discussed publicly. Perhaps in a private message?
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