New Umarex Origin .25 can't get sighted

Search the forum under this topic. Might need to shim your scope, or not. Good to learn how to search for things here. Someone else has probably asked this before!
Hi I had the same pfrble whit a Broockoc Bantam my problem was apparently I bang the barrel and that causes a part to bend and that was the isue
Look at a set of adjustable rings.

I would suggest against shimming a scope, as you put unwanted stresses on the scope tube. Though I know many will chime in and say they have been doing it for years, blah blah blah. Though it isn't much you can do some serious damage to a scope quite quickly, and for what we pay for scopes a simple set of rings will fix your issue and you don't have to risk damaging the scope.
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Those are only made to adjust height, not angle. I have a set and filed the serrations down so that I could use them for tilt.
The FX No-Limits scope rings will adjust tilt, but I found out about them after I had already modified the West Hunter mounts.
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Had the same issue on my avenger. I tightened down the pic rail sections on my gun. One was quite loose out of the box. I bought a donny fl adapter and an aftermarket barrel band. I also shimmed my rear scope ring with 4 or so aluminum pieces cut out of a beer can. Gun has been solid after that without POI shifts or the low annoying POI. Just a caveat of these guns. I took the same scope and shimmed rings and put it on my FX streamline. Nearly bottomed the scope out in the downward direction to get it zeroed at 35 yards.