New SCBA tank with a minor leak from the big dial gauge.

This is a new tank and I had it filled at a Dive shop. The person doing the fill said I had a leak. So when I recharged my PCP I kept the pressure in the line and noticed bubbling from behind the large gauge. I put some dish soap on a paper towel and traced it around the fittings. This is not something that may be tightened up. And it only is a minor leak while the line is under pressure. It will cost less to replace the gauge than send it back. And not sure if it amounts to anything more than an irritation. Its a rear mount gauge

Where can I find such a gauge, I I decide to just replace it?
If the gauge is only reading the line pressure and not the contents of the bottle, it should be fine to remove it without emptying it. If it reads the bottle contents, it will leak down by itself. If it's only slow and it only reads the line pressure, it's probably not worth worrying about unless it is keeping you from sleeping at night. It may just need tightening or removing and retaping unless the gauge itself is leaking.