New Member - Old Diana Model 27 - any help identifying age, who can repair in NC


Just joined, i have an old Diana Model 27 i can't find much info on and was wondering if anyone was an afficionado on these things.

My grandfather obtained it cleaning out old houses decades ago. Its beat to hell and has missing screws/parts and quite a bit of surface rust at the moment, but i was interested in getting it restored and learning more about it, even if its not technically 'worth' what it would cost to restore, as long as the cost isnt outrageous

. Its just an old airgun that has sentimental value that at least for me would be worth giving some love to. It still Fires strong, used it for squirrel and bird many years ago, but it got left in a garage for a few years during my younger days and got alot of surface rust, nothing catastrophic though..

Apparently some of these can be pre WW2 which caught also caught my attention.

Any one can identify possible production date? Any recommendations on restorers/refitters in NC? Im not wanting it to look brand new, just someone to clean the rust, shine it up a bit, maybe revarnish the stock, and get the appropriate missing parts replaced. Would look more to having it brought back to full functionality/power.

If someone needs certain demensions/pic of certain areas to make a definite call i can provide those.

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