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Neighbor's Cat is pooping in our vegetable garden...

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We have a neighbor that moved in a couple of months ago. They have approximately 10 cats the best we can count and identify. They leave a window open so that they can come and go from their home. My wife has flower beds around the front of our house that she has basically given up on since the cats moved in. Since the soil is soft and easy for them to dig in, they have defecated to the point that our beds are now their preferred litter box. I try to scoot them along when I see them heading to our beds but they just wait for me to give up and continue to perform their relieving duties. I went out the other day and where one big tom had taken his relief, there was a bare spot approx 10" with a mound of dirt piled up in the middle of the 10" circle that stood about 4" high. I must say he was quite tidy in his efforts to cover up his handy work, but I know what laid in wait at the center of that fun pile of dirt! I have considered the use of my air rifle but as many have pointed out above that just does not seem to be an appropriate response. I have read the above responses and I do have a big dog, that does not seem to deter them as he seems to have become numb to their presence as well. I would be interested if someone in the US knows of a commercially available deterrent other than lead being thrown their direction at high rates of speed.

UPDATE: I decided to try a search for a commercially available tool to keep pets out of the garden. Look what I found. Anyone try one of these? looks like it would work.


Don't mean to advertise but I found it available at Walmart for less than 30 bucks.
Contact a trapping supply house. Buy coyote urine put in spray bottle. If you can get some scat
of any large predator all the better. Treat every few days. It seems to be more effective if bottle
is on stream instead of mist. With a little effort and time you can not only keep em out of your
yard but effectively confine them to their own. I would suggest any treating out side of your own yard
be done only after dark with the stealth of a ninja. Its no fun telling people this here is my piss bottle
and the bag is full of poo.
"terry12983"That's why we pay big money for these ldc's is to make them backyard quite. Don't ask don't tell. and they do taste a little like chicken.I have supplied my Asian neighbors with a few.
Dumbest, most effing offensive post I've seen in a long while. The OP's italicized reference to "other hazards" (posted in the HUNTING section of our forum, no less) is a close freaking second.

Niether is a positive example for the sport/hobby. I'm as right-wing, pro-hunting as they come, and I am in no way fond of cats. None the less, IMO both posters should be ashamed of themselves for such remarks. 

You didn't get it did you? Nobody cares if people eat cats. People care about you suggesting that it is ok to shoot the neighbor's pets rather than trying some more reasonable first approach to solving the problem. We also find it offensive, by association, that you suggest that "LDC"s are purchased to enable the owner to shoot the neighbor's pets with impunity.

Now then I'll break it down into small bites for you because I am as old school as they come and was just last night reflecting on how much the world has changed in my time on this planet. When I was a boy living out in the country if a neighbor's pet was caught killing livestock you just shot it and called the neighbor. Everyone would feel bad about it and life would go on. Even then you didn't end the neighbor's pet for pissing in the garden.

The problem here is that it is illegal, almost everywhere I can think of, to kill the neighbors pet unless you are protecting your own pet, or child, or yourself. I'm pretty sure that almost anywhere in the USA, law enforcement would probably have you before a judge pretty quickly for shooting someone's pet because they were digging in your garden, even if said pet was preparing to leave a present in the hole.

So you see, you have openly encouraged someone to break the law. That wouldn't be that big an issue if it only reflected upon you. Sadly, in this crazy upside down world, there are lots of people who have never actually spent much time thinking rationally. Nobody taught them that one moron in a crowd of a hundred does not speak for the other ninety nine. So they will happily take your suggestion as an example of how this group handles such problems. Clearly that is not fair to the larger airgun community. So that covers one issue.

In my mind an even larger issue is the idea that you suggest that we obtain "LDC"s so that we can facilitate an illegal act (the killing of a neighbor's pet). I personally am a very strong advocate for the Second Amendment. Some might even call me a Second Amendment Zealot because I believe that the laws passed in the 20's restricting the people's access to fully automatic weapons and suppressors are unconstitutional. I beat that drum with my Congress critter because beating it here won't get it done. That said, there is a law before Congress right now which attempts to remove the licensing restrictions from suppressors. Some Congress critters are marked with a large yellow stripe down their back and when one of their loony gun hating constituents points to a post over at AGN which says, "Just get a suppressor and you can kill the neighbor's cat. Oh! and by the way the Asian people will take it." they just wilt and can't find the courage to give us back something we should have had all along. In other words your post makes it less likely that I can have a suppressor for my powder burner BECAUSE you advocated using it for illegal purposes. Now as I said before, there are people in this world who have never been taught that one moron in a crowd of one hundred does not speak for the other ninety and nine.

I would not ask you to be responsible for those buffoons who think that way. But take into consideration the impact that your words have upon the larger shooting community.

Now, I am not even going to address the stereotyping going on in your head because pretty much any sane person in the first world has figured out how to spot a bigot, even the gun hating loons. So you will have to sort that out for yourself.

Thank you for your time. This has been a public service announcement.

P.S. There is a little red or green dot beside everyone's name. You might want to check it out BEFORE you dig a hole so deep you can't get out of it.
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If the cats come back, be careful trapping them. A good friend of mine got fined for trapping his neighbors cat that was pooping on his front porch. He trapped the cat, took it to the pound, and animal control confiscated his trap and fined him. The cat was back pooping on his porch within two days. I believe it was in his city's ordinance that trapping of any animal is not allowed. It's always a good idea to look up the laws and ordinances in your area before you take action because you can end up in a world of hurt for something ridiculous. I also had a problem with the neighbors 12 cats pooping in my horseshoe pits. I talked to the crazy b*&#h and she told me to deal with it. I then started to scoop up her cats poop and throw it at her house. She came out to yell at me and she got a shovel full of poop chucked at her as well. It took her around 5 times of cleaning poop off the side of her house to keep the cats indoors. She eventually got rid of 10 of the 12 cats and substituted them with Chihuahuas. 8 of them to be exact. That's when I moved.
Actually I like the sprinkler idea, I think this is the best and most ethical way of dealing with these cats. It will not harm the cat and it will not be long before it finds a place that doesn't give it a bath everytime it decides and squat and pot. Of course the first time you arm it and forget to tell your wife it will funny too at least for those of us that live far enough away to escape the wrath.

P.S +++++ 1!!! Oldspooks post
As a pet owner myself as much as I detest cats I would never shoot one and even hesitate shooting wild dogs unless its a issue of life of my own pets or more to the point family and to be honest cringe when I shoot yotes because of the fear of mistaking a dog for a yote.

I often have problems with neighbors pets using my property as a latrine and have tried several things to limit that use. I bought a trail camera to find out what animal was the culprit and discovered both racoons and cats but the cat was by far the most frequent offender. I actually like cats but hate what they do when it comes to marking turf or using the bathroom.

I once read an article that stated cats could be trained to keep off counter tops if one laid down fly paper on the counter and since the cat could not see the paper, when it jumped up it would land on the paper. No harm was done and typically the cat would not like it and jump down yet remember the experience and not repeat it.

In my flower beds I have a layer of mulch on top of the soil so I bought some basic mouse traps with the idea of setting them upside down in that layer of mulch so when the cat stepped on the trap it would activate and force the trap up without harming the cat but scaring it. The tricky part was getting it setup because I've had them go off many times while I was placing it. That paddle has to have enough room to not trigger the trap when being placed yet have enough solid base to be set off when stepped on. I put enough mulch on the trap that it blended in with the surrounding mulch. This actually worked and it's rare I get deposits left in this area.

The yard is whole different thing and required a different approach. I tried the coyote urine and it didn't seem to help so I tried ammonia and musk oil but neither seemed to have any affect. I next tried a motion activated sprinkler system like that Scarecrow hose attachment and that worked. My trail camera caught a few still images where the cat was walking towards the attachment followed by one where it was leaping away. The downside is the hose had to be left charged and the attachment covered a limited area. I had to move it nightly and direct sunlight affected my attachment.

The fun part of the motion activated sprinkler is that kids seem to love sneaking up on it to see if they can escape the spray.

I used an electronic field fence with solar charger and battery all in one box.I got the flat ribbon tape wire and put the first run about 5 to 6 inches off the ground and the second run about 2 inches higher.you can do a 3rd or even 4th runs.when the cat hit the ribbon it jumps back 5 feet and never came back.this works with rabbits as wall. This will not hurt the cat.just turn it into a puffy cat.or you can buy that powder used to keep dogs and cats out of your flowers.that cat never came back. 5 Ways to Keep Cats and Dogs Away from Your Garden[/QUOTE]http://www.rd.com/advice/pets/5-ways-to-keep-cats-and-dogs-away-from-your-garden/embed/
Why would you care if the cat poops in your vegetable garden. Isn't that organic fertilizer. What is the difference between that and cow or pig poop. As far as killing song birds, for every bird a cat kills they kill at least 10 mice/ chipmunks. I am happy when the next door farm cats come through my yard. Just hope they kill lots of moles,mice,chipmunk and if they get some birds oh well. Or is it jealousy because they are such good hunters. 
yea, that's a problem. at one time we had 8 feral cats in the neighborhood along with pet cats. i couldn't distinguish between them. i was always stepping in poop and getting it in the treads of the riding mower. really smells up a garage. short of staking out my yard and scaring them away each time they appeared, i didn't know what to do. then one night i witnessed a red fox grab one off my deck. a year later, no more cats. i don't know if the foxes got them all, or they wised up and moved on. 
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