My top 20 shots of 2020

Here is my 20 top 20 shots of 2020.


@Max115 I really enjoy your videos. Not too much talking and I enjoy the captions and slow-no replays. What I like most about this one is being able to see the arcing trajectory of the pellets before impact on 90+ yard shots. I think my favorite shot was the 100 yard shot on the starling perched atop a rusty silo. Your editing and presentation are top notch. I’m learning everyday about air-gunning and would like to be able to capture and edit videos like this. Thank you for sharing. Your videos give me a standard to aspire towards. 
@Ezana4CE. Thank you for your kind words and support. I am still learning and trying to improve both my shooting and video editing. Trial and error and it definitely helps when viewers like you pitched in with your comments, both positive and negative so I have some feedbacks to go one way or the other. Good luck with yours and hopefully you will capture footages that are memorable.