My FX Chrony mount system

Everything lock tight, flexible installation and no more POI change. 



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My phone stays on the table as well, but only works if you are someplace conducive to using a table. My own setup is an adjustable scope mount, about 20 inches of half inch PVC and a PVC coupler on each end. One wrap of duct tape on each of the couplers. I 3D printed a new mounting for the chrony that allows me to use velcro straps. One coupler in the scope mount, the 20 inch piece, the chrony hooks on the second coupler. All scrap, even the scope mount was a spare. Total cost if you include the scope mount is $10. No, PVC wasn't my idea either. Someone else on the forum did it first.

Carbon fiber looks great though. Whole lot better than the white PVC pipe with some duct tape.