More Pesting at the Feed Store

This weekend was nice so I went down to the feed store for about an hour on both Saturday and Sunday. Had a mix of pest birds both days getting about 15 or 16 each day. The Dreamtact with a good scope is such a sweet shooting setup that a 50 to 60 yard circle around me nothing was safe.

Sunday morning the landowner dropped by to pick up some cattle feed and was talking to me showing me pics of the turkey his daughter had shot that morning. While we stood there a bird landed on a shed and he asked if I could hit it. Just as I started to ease 8nto the trigger it flew off. I looked behind me and saw 2 collared doves sitting on posts about 30 yards away. I told him I would rather shoot them and took a shot through an empty feed barn and got a big puff of feathers and the dive just tipped over. All I heard was "WOW! it made a mess of that dove." Lol first time in over 2 years of pesting he has seen me shoot. He smiled and said "kill 'em all." Sorry no pics still can't upload here for some reason .