Michigan whitetail with the Texan 457 cf

Finally got an opportunity To test the 281 nsa slug . Worked well 96 yard shot hit him farther back than I would have liked but it did the job . Slug was recovered under the skin just about made it through. 
Thanks everyone yes will be good eating ! To answer you kayaker I would be lying if I said I didn’t get excited. The hunt happened so fast I didn’t get a chance to get real shaky. He was chasing a doe and I had 2 possible places for a shot . The first time I bleated at him he stopped facing dead away and as I was squeezing the trigger on his neck he started to move again so I had to go to the next spot that would give me a clean shot . Luckily I got him to stop again this time he was broadside boom I sent it ! Thwack I heard the hit he kicked like a mule . Then I got excited!!! He went 20 yards and laid down I kicked him up tracking him he went 20 more and laid down again I again pushed him he went 20 more and piled into a tree down he went this time to stay !