Looking for .357 mold

Need help with .357 mold, i jumped into adult air gunning few years ago with the help of this site (thank you) i deer hunt with a bulldog .357, im wanting to cast my own slugs, have been casting for many years for my muzzle loader to my .308, buck shot, slugs, bird shot erc...im all setup, need help finding a mold, wanting 95 to 120gr hollow point, i did order some good looking slugs from a xtreme airgun slugs on ebay 109gr deep hollow point they looked great but been over a month and hasnt even shipped so i have given on him, but i would like a mold like that or close to it, i have looked at lee/lyman etc... but those are for .38 and .357 magnum, thabk you for your time and any help
You can size it down needed diameter...
a bit lighter...
Check whole web store there is quite many options...
Here are a pair of .308 molds from Accurate. 110 gr on top and 79 gr on the bottom. I haven't run them yet, but hopefully will tomorrow.
