Crosman Let's show off our Crosman pistol builds!

Was wanting to carve some grips to finish this one off but Ron Robinson listed some of RB's work recently and saved me the least for now. Thanks Ron! I may refine the shape of the forearm...and scrounge up a red dot....and do some performance mods... but it's getting close. really.... 😃


Sometimes we forget just how good of a gun we built years ago because we move on to other guns. It’s raining today so I decided to shoot some stuff that I haven’t shot in a while. I shot a hole in the can and then shot 5 more at the hole. That’s not bad at 50 yards with an ergonomically incorrect gun. Wonder what this thing would do with a good scope.

Sometimes we forget just how good of a gun we built years ago because we move on to other guns. It’s raining today so I decided to shoot some stuff that I haven’t shot in a while. I shot a hole in the can and then shot 5 more at the hole. That’s not bad at 50 yards with an ergonomically incorrect gun. Wonder what this thing would do with a good scope.
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Looks like you did every imaginable mod lol I wouldn’t be surprised if you had a 2 stage trigger in there.
With a good scope, I think it wouldn’t be to far behind some of your more refined guns

*where'd you get that cool looking trigger



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I ordered some stuff from someone and he threw that trigger in a bag. I never used it because I was using a Prod lower and hammer. One day I decided to see what setup performed better so I put the 2240 hammer and lower back on. The 2240 stuff performed better but the trigger wasn’t quite as nice. I remembered that skeleton trigger so I dug out and installed it. Had to drill and tap the bottom of the trigger guard but it works nice. It eludes me who I got it from. Maybe a silencer builder guy.
I ordered some stuff from someone and he threw that trigger in a bag. I never used it because I was using a Prod lower and hammer. One day I decided to see what setup performed better so I put the 2240 hammer and lower back on. The 2240 stuff performed better but the trigger wasn’t quite as nice. I remembered that skeleton trigger so I dug out and installed it. Had to drill and tap the bottom of the trigger guard but it works nice. It eludes me who I got it from. Maybe a silencer builder guy.

Yup, that trigger is from TKO.
Sometimes we forget just how good of a gun we built years ago because we move on to other guns. It’s raining today so I decided to shoot some stuff that I haven’t shot in a while. I shot a hole in the can and then shot 5 more at the hole. That’s not bad at 50 yards with an ergonomically incorrect gun. Wonder what this thing would do with a good scope.

is that a long LW barrel? Where did you get that? Who has the co2 to pcp conversion hardware, looks like a really fun project. 
This is the latest rendition of my 2300S. It now is a .22 with a 14.6" crosman barrel, a 2240 valve, modified tom west stock. Red dot has been around forever. I made the shroud/silencer combo. Still have to chrony it to see how it's shooting.

i love that stock , did you cut out a portion? i have been whatching for one to come up for sale, ii have 5 P Rods.. roger
This is the latest rendition of my 2300S. It now is a .22 with a 14.6" crosman barrel, a 2240 valve, modified tom west stock. Red dot has been around forever. I made the shroud/silencer combo. Still have to chrony it to see how it's shooting.

i love that stock , did you cut out a portion? i have been whatching for one to come up for sale, ii have 5 P Rods.. roger

A SC stock for the PROD:

Pricey though, lol!
The stock was suppose to fit a 2300. I had to rework the inletting for the barrel band. That was ok for a while but just didnt do it for me. So then I cut off tbe shovel on the forearm. Used to be camo painted, got sick of that real quick. Stripped, sanded, stained and lots of linseed oil.

Yeah those Corcoran stocks are beautiful. 

Here's my P-rod, really quiet with the Sumo


The Boyd's Disco Barracuda and Evo stock is another alternative for the PROD, although you have to change the trigger group--I got an aluminum one for the Disco from Magnum Air Power.

It is a beautiful piece of trigger group with fabulous CNC-machining.

It works on the PROD but I had to make adjustments to prevent sear drag.

..Then there is the Challenger/MROD trigger group; a match trigger that requires a bit of persuasion to fit the aforesaid stock(s), albeit I don't like the way it looks.

Also, the gauge hole does not align with the PROD's but does if you change it out with a 1701P tube, which I did, but I guess you already know all of these, Mike sir 😁

I did order a Boyd's Sky Blue laminate Barracuda on the 30th of Nov. but have not been given a tracking number yet, lol!