Leshiy air tube thread


does anyone knows wich thread is in the end of the air tube?


I'm thinking in trying one of these things:


To became something like this:


I can't check my laptop bookmarks right now but it might be on the Edgun.ru sight.

I assume you mean to un-thread the rear plug & thread it onto the males threads on the left side of your CGI? 

Interesting idea. One less fill assembly to own & carry in the field plus it would have a better chance of working with the Carm pellet dispensers than the air tube extensions. I guess more shots as you can shoot your bottle down to reg pressure. 

I've thought about 3d printing a shoulder stock that would carry my aftermarket Russian airtube in a similar position as the Leshiy 2 stock & then run a short section of high pressure tube up to the fill port. 

Have you seen the Classic Leshiy with the stock bottle? I think the picture originates from Vietnam. I'll see if I can find it.