Hi All,
Had my L2 for about 4 months and only shot about 100 slugs through it and all of a sudden it has stopped indexing the magazine,
i have watched all the videos and done my research about the problem and i cant get it resolved, the gun is basicaly brand new and none of the indexing parts show any sign of wear, if i open/fold the gun and close it it will fire once and no more, But when i open/fold the gun as you open it you can see the mag shoot round and hear it click/jump ready for the next round to be fired, something is binding but i have tried for hours to see or find the problem any ideas ???,
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do the mag turn freely if you remove the index arm spring?
is the mag plate bend? - check this on glass
is the mag free floating in between the breech? - you should be able to slip a slice of copy paper down to the barrel at the front, and down to the puck at the back
..and the puck should be able to move back after each shot, keep it well oiled with silicone oil

leshiy 2 barrel tolerance.JPG
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Yes the mag moves freely and i have a spare brand new mag which i have tried,
not sure what you mean by the puck movement ?, i have tried a new oiled puck, There is defo something binding as when i open the gun the magazine jumps round to the next chamber and you can hear a click which sounds like metal on metal, This is literally a brand new gun with under 100 shots this shouldn’t be happening …..
Yes the mag moves freely and i have a spare brand new mag which i have tried,
not sure what you mean by the puck movement ?, i have tried a new oiled puck, There is defo something binding as when i open the gun the magazine jumps round to the next chamber and you can hear a click which sounds like metal on metal, This is literally a brand new gun with under 100 shots this shouldn’t be happening …..

the puck, under pressure, moves forward do seal against the mag plate (also squares the mag up against the flat part of the barrel so the pellet is perfect in line with the bore) - and the puck spring back a tiny bit if well oiled (like a brake caliper from a brake disc) when the pressure drops so the mag is free to turn
I have no idea what the metal clicking sound may be..
Most common reason I was told of a magazine indexing failure after working fine for a period of time is the barrel has moved back, even slightly. Undo the screws and push the barrel back into the gun with your thumb, hold it there and retighten the screws in the skip pattern till past hand tight then tighten to 25 inch pounds. Also the metal clicking sound may be your spring for your rotation arm has shifted. this is a very easy fix, you can literally lift it up with the arm and place it back in the correct spot. Also the delrin rotation wheel is not made to last for ever. even some wear you can barely see can cause rotation issues. If you have an extra one replace it. Also check the three screws on the hinge plate. Sometimes they get loose. If this happens the plate shifts and causes issues.