Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence Wants to Curtail Your Rights

Yep, all these dummies that have no clue about current events are the same people walking around with a high dollar google machine in front of their face all day long. Guess they must be on twitter er snapchat er facebook gettin in someones business, instead of actually using it to learn something useful...... for example, allowing the constitution to be trampled on because they are more worried about kim kardashian
When the supreme court makes a ruling YOU have no say its
automatically the law. ( well regulated) means soon all guns will be registered
you will have to have a license to possess, their will be annual taxes, restrictions of
the amount of ammo etc etc on and on till they have you down to one single shot and 3 shells. Even
then you will have to prove you really need a gun. Not just want one Check out Australia
the model they use and say is sensible. Bans are coming one of the first will be bullpups
it will apply to air and even plastic TOY guns. If the candidate who dresses like chairman Mao
gets in office this will all start the next day.
"fuznut"When the supreme court makes a ruling YOU have no say its
automatically the law. ( well regulated) means soon all guns will be registered
you will have to have a license to possess, their will be annual taxes, restrictions of
the amount of ammo etc etc on and on till they have you down to one single shot and 3 shells. Even
then you will have to prove you really need a gun. Not just want one Check out Australia
the model they use and say is sensible. Bans are coming one of the first will be bullpups
it will apply to air and even plastic TOY guns. If the candidate who dresses like chairman Mao
gets in office this will all start the next day.
” Any law that is NOT constitutional is not a law” James Madison

Thomas Jefferson stated that "those guilty of the unmentionable sin should be drawn and quartered". My how the Country has fallen away from the precepts given by the sovereign Creator! As I said Democracy is MOB Rule. what ever the mob decides is forced upon you. In a Republic the mob can make decisions but the individual is NOT bound by them EVER. I will not reply again because the topic is getting way off from the OP's original statement!

ALL three branches of government have gone ROGUE and are OUT OF CONTROL! No matter what side of the isle might gain control, we can no longer rely on government to be anything other than extra-constitutional. It's time to take back our inherent liberties and our precious constitution.

OUR ONLY HOPE lies within. Article V, Convention of the States. 

"T3PRanch"Thomas Jefferson stated that "those guilty of the unmentionable sin should be drawn and quartered". My how the Country has fallen away from the precepts given by the sovereign Creator! As I said Democracy is MOB Rule. what ever the mob decides is forced upon you. In a Republic the mob can make decisions but the individual is NOT bound by them EVER. I will not reply again because the topic is getting way off from the OP's original statement!

Perhaps a different branch but still on the same tree. The globalists are bound and determined to strike off the rule of law and bring about the rule of men. They will never give up short of total loss by way of revolutionary conflict. Which is ironic when we consider that the U.S. is the worlds greatest revolutionary nation. We were born through war. Now the Left are behaving as counter revolutionaries. Striving to take us back to a nation, indeed a world, of lords and serfs.