Just shooting,,,,, alternative targets


Apr 9, 2021
As i am also fond of photography and video, then combining that with shooting are also fun.

Here is my landing phoenix, which is made with a 50/50 mix of alcohol and lamp oil set on fire in a aluminum bottle cap and let burn for a while to get hot, and then shot with a .22 cutlass by my friend.


There are no photoshop in action here, such software will not find a home on my computer.

Though it could probably be made cooler with it, but in all manners of life i play with a open hand if i have the chance.

If there are no ban on fires this year i think i will pick up fire shooting again, and try and devise new ways to make the splash take new shapes, and i have a few other ideas too, that probably are more suited for video.

The phoenix are one picture in a series / burst of 5 which my cheap Nikon DSLr take in sport mode, the other 4 are pretty mundane in comparison.

ISO values and exposure time i set manual.

I am also wondering how such photos would look using bracketed shooting, which is taking several photos in rapid succession but with slightly different exposure settings for each photo, overlaying these can give you interesting dynamic pictures, though it is probably not a good approach to fast movement.

This is a bracketed photo out my living room window, the first one are 5 pictures combined and mixed, the second picture are the middle of the 5 pictures on its own which i assume is what the photo looked if i asked my dji Osmo action to just take 1 picture.

I know wish picture i prefer.

The top picture scream, the night is coming, the second picture is just "this is what you can see from my living room window, and some of it you have to extrapolate on"



FYI. this kind of shooting ( bracketed ) you can probably also do on your phone, all you need is a way to steady it, though most mixing software's do have a auto align feature to put the 3 - 5 almost same pictures on top of each other.

you can also freehand as the pictures are still snapped as fast as possible, thats fine if there are plenty of light i feel

I am using the Aurora HDR software myself, photoshop and others also support this stuff. https://skylum.com/aurorahdr