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JSAR latest communication

Got this in my email:

Good Morning!

2021 is well underway, the weather is threatening to warm up, and a few places around the US are starting to return to normal. I wanted to reach out and give an update on the current JSAR status. We've been a very small crew from the beginning, and staying on top of communications has been a challenge. We've been particularly difficult to reach for the past couple weeks, and I wanted to reach out and let everybody know what's going on. A little over a month ago we learned that our industrial park where we rent our facility was sold to a new owner. That owner is a large West coast business and is evicting every renter so that they can build themselves a new facility. Which is fully their prerogative, but places us in a difficult situation. Finding a new facility can be a challenge in general. This year poses particular challenges considering that around 6 months ago we had the Almeda fires sweep through our area burning down around 2400 homes and businesses in 48 hours. Open space is severely limited, and we've been scrambling. Moving a CNC shop is a lot of work, and we're trying to pump out as many parts as we can before we have to be out on April 1. I've personally worked a minimum of a 12 hour every single day since we found out near the end of January. We're currently waiting on a batch of regulators and we'll be in a position to ship every single pre-order; handling final gun assembly as we're shuttling equipment. In this time we've chosen to turn off pre-orders so we don't get back on our heels. But we'll get those turned back on as soon as we can. I'm answering calls as best as I can, which I know isn't as good as it should. My apologies to anybody that I've missed so far, I'm doing my best to keep all the plates spinning. We'll send out another Newsletter in the next couple weeks to give updates on the new location.

Thank you to everybody for your support. We're working hard to get orders built and shipped, and get everything settled. 

Thank you from the JSAR crew.