I’m an idiot

I have a cheap Halo rangefinder that has angle ability. It was being cleared out at my local Dick’s sporting goods as they were getting rid of their firearm section so I got a great price ($40). 

I was using a Leupold rx 650 which I would range then have the Strelok app calculate the angle then enter the range. It worked. 

Now this rangefinder has the angle built in. So I was getting the range and angle from the rangefinder and entered it into Strelok. I was missing alot. I knew I was doing something wrong.

Well most of you have probably figured out what I was doing wrong but for clarity I’ll state the obvious except to me. It turns out that some rangefinders don’t just give you angle, but calculate the horizontal distance and gives you that distance. I was taking that already calculated distance and entering it with the angle given from the rangefinder. Strelok was then re calculating the distance due to angle. So I was way off. I thought it was just giving me the raw distance and the angle of the shot. 

Boy do I feel dumb. But I’m happy because it will be quicker just entering the rangefinder’s calculated distance into Strelok and start clicking right away instead of also entering an angle. But wow, what a duh moment.
⚠ Warning!!! The Manufacturer would NOT warranty mine after it stopped working even with receipt well within warranty saying it was a discontinued model sorry there is nothing that can be done and just sent it right back to me even after I called and checked status and offered to pay whatever to get a replacement that works. They even offered to throw it away for me for free instead of going through the trouble of shipping it back to me. At least I was offered SOMETHING FOR FREE.