I Learned Several New Things This Week...

First thing I learned is that a compressor makes life WAY easier with PCPs, especially if you own more than one. Thanks to my somewhat local vendor, Blue Ridge Airguns, I was able to pick up a Hill EC 3000 compressor on Tuesday. On Wednesday I learned...

You go through ammo way faster if you have a compressor! Between all three rifles I used 500 rounds of JSB, and about 100 rounds of Crossmans. Plan accordingly if you buy a compressor.

The third thing I learned is life is much easier if you get your wife involved in shooting. We spent yesterday afternoon having her shoot all three rifles and she settled on the Revere because of its side lever cocking being so much easier for her to use. She nailed 11 shots at 25 yards within a 1/2 inch in very short order. Even her 50 yard groups were tight. The best part about this is that I now have an excuse to buy the Air Arms S510 XS this spring.

And I still Blame AEAC for my new addiction.