I do not like them in the yard, I do not like them Sam I am

As long as they aren't being obnoxious, possums get a pass. They take care of more bugs and small rodents than most anything else, and are about as rabies resistant as anything in the animal kingdom.

That all said and done, I dispatched one the other night. Wasn't acting normal and seemed rather aggressive toward the wife. Out of character enough to let the buzzards have him.

If they start destroying things or digging way too much, I'll try to run them off before taking harsh measures.
Good shot! 

being in the suburbia possums are helpful with the bugs and rodents, I usually just have to clean up the rat’s head in my rat traps. I have a resident possum that visits my yard every other night looking for bugs. Also got coons, skunks and even foxes visiting my yard once a while believe it or not. Coons however will get preferential treatment or first dib on the lead buffet if it lingers long enough but I don’t have chickens so they usually just pass right through. 

that being said if any of them cause me trouble or do damage to my property then late night lead buffet will be open for business! But only one I see that could cause trouble would be the coons. 

Yes, I understand that armadillos are bad. And on top of that they carry leprosy I believe.


Yes they can carry it. No, it isn't even close to common, and even more rare for them to infect a human. Lots of reasons for this, mostly because they don't make good pets and we don't eat them, and they don't live long enough to fully develop the disease in the wild. That part is a bit of a surprise. It also isn't very contagious, or we have developed an amount of immunity over time.

It isn't the death sentence it was before the invention of antibiotics, like may other ancient diseases. Not something to peruse though. Use gloves to handle them, or at least wash your hands, ya filthy animal. 😂